Aerith Gainsborough in the Art Style of Luis Royo

Aerith Gainsborough, also known as Aeris, is a beloved character in the popular video game series Final Fantasy. She was introduced in Final Fantasy VII as a member of a race of people called the Cetra, who possess great magical powers. Aerith is a kind-hearted and gentle woman who helps the game's protagonist, Cloud Strife, in his quest to save the world from destruction.

Aerith is known for her beautiful and iconic appearance, with long brown hair and a pink dress. However, it is her compassionate and selfless nature that has endeared her to fans over the years. Despite her tragic fate in the game, Aerith remains a beloved character and a symbol of hope and kindness. Her character has been portrayed in various adaptations, including films and spin-off games, and her legacy continues to live on in the hearts of Final Fantasy fans around the world.

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