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Yennefer in the Art Style of Karol Bak

Yennefer of Vengerberg is a fictional character from the "Witcher" series of books, video games, and television shows. She is a powerful sorceress who becomes involved in the life of Geralt of Rivia, the main character in the series.

Yennefer is known for her beauty, intelligence, and cunning. She is a member of the Lodge of Sorceresses, a secret society of powerful female mages, and has been trained in various forms of magic. Yennefer is also a complex character, with a troubled past and a desire to control her own destiny.

Throughout the "Witcher" series, Yennefer plays a significant role in the lives of Geralt and other characters. She and Geralt have a complicated romantic relationship, with many ups and downs, and she is often involved in political intrigue and power struggles.

Yennefer has been adapted into various forms of media, including the "Witcher" video games and the Netflix television series "The Witcher."

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